Which bariatric surgery is right for you?

Which bariatric surgery is right for you?

If you are thinking about weight loss surgery, the next question may be: Which surgery is right for me?

That question is best answered by a bariatric surgeon. The type of surgery a patient receives depends on several factors, including health history, existing medical conditions, and weight loss expectations.

Most bariatric procedures are done with a laparoscope using small incisions and a tiny camera through the abdomen. This is less invasive, resulting in a quicker recovery and less postoperative pain.

Below are common bariatric procedures endorsed by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery:

Sleeve Gastrectomy

“The Sleeve” procedure removes approximately 80 percent of the stomach. The remaining stomach is the size and shape of a banana, reducing the amount of food (and calories) consumed. This provides a quicker sense of fullness and decreases appetite.

Adjustable Gastric Band

A silicone band is placed around the top part of the stomach to limit the amount of food a person can eat.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch

“The Switch” procedure involves a sleeve gastrectomy (removal of part of the stomach) and intestinal bypass. This reduces the amount of food (and calories) consumed and decreases food absorption.

Single Anastomosis DuodenoIleostomy (SADI)

A small gastric sleeve is created, along with shortening the intestinal loop. The shortened intestinal loop decreases absorption of nutrients, fats, and calories.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

“The Gastric Bypass” procedure creates a new stomach pouch that is smaller and able to hold less food. It routes most of the food past much of the stomach and first part of the small intestine. This reduces the amount of food (and calories) consumed, providing a quicker sense of fullness and decreased appetite. It also reduces food absorption.

Are you a candidate for bariatric surgery?

Candidates for weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, include those with a body mass index (BMI) of:

• 40 or higher

• 35 or higher with either diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver disease, or sleep apnea