When it comes to patient care, cardiology holds a special place in the heart of Latia Summerville, family nurse practitioner. Latia recently joined ...
The human heart beats more than 100,000 times per day, pumping about four quarts of blood every minute. To ensure this vital muscle never misses a ...
When it comes to damage or disease in the heart’s major blood vessels, plaque is often to blame. Plaque is fatty deposits of cholesterol, calcium, and ...
What is “a fib?” No, we’re not talking about a little white lie. In healthcare, a fib (or AFib) is atrial fibrillation, an irregular and often rapid ...
The term “heart failure” sounds terrifying. While it is a serious condition, it does not mean the heart has stopped beating. Rather, it means the ...
Melissa Thomas, certified family nurse practitioner, has joined Dr. Ron Oren and the cardiology team at Horizon Health. “With the addition of Melissa ...
It is probably well known that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Another leading cause of death, which may be lesser known, is a ...
When it comes to high blood pressure, it is important to know fact from fiction. To help understand the differences, the American Heart Association ...
The facts about high blood pressure are fairly well known. For one, uncontrolled high blood pressure (or hypertension) raises the risk for heart ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans. Someone dies of heart disease every 37 seconds in the United States. Heart disease has ...
In recognition of American Heart Month, it is important to take a moment to understand just how serious heart disease is. Every year, more than ...
The end of a year always brings about excitement as we wait to ring in the New Year. We attend parties and feasts and enjoy time with our friends and ...