Speech therapy at Horizon Health includes evaluation and treatment of patients
experiencing difficulty with speech, language, voice, swallowing, and
other conditions. Speech therapy services encompass both inpatient and
outpatient evaluations and treatment for a variety of conditions related
to speech, language, voice swallowing, memory, and cognition.
These include deficits related to acquired conditions, like a stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, and dementia, as well as developmental differences in children, such as speech/language delays, autism, and other genetic and birth conditions.
Additionally, modified barium swallow studies are performed in conjunction with the radiology department.
Conditions treated include:
Request an appointment: Call
(217) 466-4244 or request an appointment online in your
patient portal.
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 7:30 am - 4 pm
Brenda Stevens, speech-language pathologist, and Annie Barrett, doctor of physical therapy, discuss Parkinson's disease and therapy. They explain the disease and helpful programs, including offered at Horizon Health.
Brenda Stevens, speech-language pathologist, discusses child speech development. When should your child start saying words? Do schools do screening?