The sleep lab at Horizon Health helps diagnose common sleep disorders. These conditions can include trouble falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at the wrong times, getting too much sleep, or abnormal behaviors during sleep. Sleep studies are available during the day or evening.
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Signs of sleep disorders
Conditions linked to sleep disorders
A referral from a healthcare provider is needed to participate in a sleep study. Sleep study results are sent directly to the patient’s provider for follow-up. If you think you could benefit from a sleep study, consult your primary care provider.
When undergoing a sleep study, patients will spend the night in the sleep lab but can resume their normal daily routine in the morning. The sleep technologists monitor biological functions, such as brain wave activity, eye movement, muscle tone, heart rhythm, and breathing via monitors placed on the head, chest, and legs. After a full night’s sleep is recorded, the data is presented to a physician for interpretation.
The sleep lab is located in the Rehabilitation Services building behind Paris Community Hospital. Each room features the following amenities:
Request an appointment: Talk to your primary care provider.
Hours: Daytime and nighttime sleep studies available.